Hi! I’m Emma, and I am
the artist behind Leaf Pile Studios.

My favorite color is green, and my favorite place to be is on top of a mountain. I’m married to my sweet wife, Allie, and together we have 41 houseplants and a cockatiel in our little apartment in central MA, which also houses Leaf Pile Studios (for now!)

I double majored in Photography and Graphic Design, but have always had a passion for fiber art. Both my Photography Senior Thesis and Honors Thesis work centered around embroidery and other fiber arts. It has long been the medium I loved most, from knitting to embroidery, and now to needle felting.

Needle felting, especially natural landscapes, plants, and animals, has truly become my passion, and I am so excited that you are interested in my work, whether you are looking to purchase one of my ready-made pieces, are looking to commission a special piece, or are just here to poke around!

You can find me on all social media as @leafpilestudios and if you have any questions you can feel free to shoot me an email at hello@leafpilestudios.com